QTN residents are grieving the loss of trees for the LRT project this week, some very old ones and many that had special meaning for residents. The QTN planning committee did not get advance notice of this, and when the information came, it was too late and inadequate to pursue any alternatives. We have voiced our concern about the lack of information and opportunity to ask questions.
Now there are a series of meetings on issues of importance to QTN. Take note of the following dates or subscribe to our calendar:
- December 2: Proposed apartment project at 2554 Carling (corner of Carling and Tavistock)
- Developer will present plans; opportunity to ask questions.
- Olde Forge Community Resource Centre, 2730 Carling Ave, 7 p.m.
- December 3: LRT Phase 2 from Cleary to Lincoln Fields – Open House
- Ukranian Church, 1000 Byron Avenue, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
- December 11: Lincoln Fields Secondary Plan – City of Ottawa – Open House
- Learn about city plans for wider area and provide comments
- Ron Kolbus Lakeside Center, 102 Greensview, 6:30 to 8:30
- December 12: LRT Phase 2 from Lincoln Fields to Moodie – Open House
- Ron Kolbus Lakeside Center, 102 Greensview, 6:30 – 8:30
- December 12: Hearing on Interim Plan for Lincoln Fields Mall
- City Planning Committee – to be confirmed
The QTN Planning Committee has requested a separate meeting with the LRT team to discuss issues related to plans through our neighborhood in greater detail.
I now question the value of these ‘information’ meetings and the validity of their assumed transparency of information for residents, given the recent travesty of communication regarding the removal of trees and other foliage in Connaught Park. We were only ‘officially’ told of the actual destruction of (specific) trees that would take place LESS THAN A WEEK before it occurred – and that being on a post in Theresa Cavanaugh’s online newsletter to Bay Ward residents. The QTN neighbourhood was effectively betrayed by the City in this regard, and there is no way to undo what has been done. I know my family and many other residents are appalled and shocked by what happened. So: how can we trust any upcoming meeting about future changes to our neighbourhood as being completely honest and truly forthcoming in information? And how can any such dubious meeting provide us with the information we really need to proceed with an effective response? I am highly skeptical.