QTNca was successful in applying for a Crime Prevention Ottawa grant to beautify the neighbourhood, address graffiti issues, and engage youth.
Six area youth will be working with House of Paint and local artist Jimmy Baptiste to design and paint a mural on the Frank Ryan Park building. The painting is scheduled to take place 16-21 August (weather dependent). Check out Jimmy’s Facebook and Instagram pages.
What can you do?
The youth are learning about the art, techniques, and design. They will also be given a chance to develop presentation and public speaking when they present their designs at an. Online community consultation session Tuesday August 7th.
You’re invited to participate in the upcoming community consultation happening Tuesday August 3rd at 7 PM (Zoom call details below). The youth will be presenting their ideas for the mural that will be painted on the north said of the Frank Ryan shack. The young people would love to hear what you think.
You are also welcome to come out and watch the painting as the mural takes shape Aug 16-20!!
Here’s the link for Tuesday evening:
Time: Aug 3, 2021 07:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 829 6289 0615
Passcode: 407563
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kTSI3mDh1