Lincoln Fields Secondary Plan

The draft Lincoln Field Secondary Plan was publicly released on August 23 with a deadline of September 20  for feeedback.  After final revision by City Planners, if will be sent to the Planning Committee for a public hearing on November 6 and then it will go to City Council for final approval.  Final approval is expected before Christmas.

This plan will bring major changes in the area around the LIncoln Fields LRT Station, including major changes to the intersection of Carling and the Kichi Zibi Mikan, as well as intensive redevelopment of the former Lincoln Fields  mall and adjavent areas.  QTNca appreciates the detailed attention to important elements of intensification in the draft plan.   At the same time,  there are some on-going concerns  to be addressed before it is adopted by City Council.

Key themes in the QTNca response to the draft plan include:

  • Ensuring a safe and pedestrian-friendly Carling Avenue, including such measures as requiring commercial services and public spaces on the ground floors of new high rise buildings, bike lanes and sidewalks that connect to places people want to go, and safe pedestrian crossings.
  • Improved, practical connections for QTN residents to get to Lincoln Fields station and other services.
  • Traffic study to ensure that the proposed changes to the intersection between Carling Avenue and the Kichi Zibi Mikan are done with consideration for impacts on access and exit from QTN.
  • Add plans now for human services such as health clinics, schools, libraries, etc., in addition to park space, to serve the expected large increases in population, including deeply affordable housing.

The Lincoln Fields plan, along with the upcoming Pinecrest Queensview Secondary Plan will be the focus for community discussion at a community meeting and AGM on October 16.