UPDATE : CANCELLATION of Christmas Tree Project Unfortunately, because of lack of snow, we need to cancel the Christmas Tree Project we announced earlier. Please do NOT bring Christmas trees to Frank Ryan Park. Your Christmas tree can be put on the curb for pick-up by the City Composting Program or you may want to … Continue reading CANCEL Christmas Tree Project
Author: Kathy V
Caroling on Winter Solstice: Frank Ryan Park
Join your neighbors to sing your favorite carols in the park. A fun way to celebrate Winter Solstice. December 21, 6:30 pm. Music sheets provided. Bring a flashlight. This is singing for everyone - no special musical skills required. Join the singing and then see the Fairie Lights in the Elmhurst Woods.
Fairie Lights: Magic Winter Walk
Fairie Lights are returning to the Elmhurst woods. From Winter Solstice to New Year's. Take a walk and see magic lights in the trees. A child's delight and adult joy. Enter from Alpine Avenue south of Elmhurst St. Follow the marked trail.