A draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan has been developed to accompany the new Official Plan. It updates city-wide goals for parkland and recreational facilities as Ottawa grows, but it falls short in dealing with intensification, the central issue facing Ottawa and QTN. As an example, the current standard of one recreational complex for every … Continue reading Parks, QTN, Intensification, and the Parks and Recreation Master Plan
Tag: Connaught Park
Use of Park Spaces in QTN: Survey Results and Analysis
QTN residents care deeply about the green spaces and parks in our neighborhood. That came through strongly in the 214 responses to a survey sponsored by the community association. The responses included desired uses, suggestions for improvements, and concerns. These will inform further discussions within QTN and with City parks officials and our City Councillor. … Continue reading Use of Park Spaces in QTN: Survey Results and Analysis
Updated – Management of QTN’s Tree Canopy and Forests – Q&A
Your community association and its network of volunteers have compiled this information piece to answer the most common questions on tree management in QTN. Click on any of the questions below to learn more.