The snow building contest results are in!

The winners of the QTN Snow Building Contest are... 1. Ali, Georgia, and Beckett's Ferocious Shark 2. Dominique's Dragon 3. Lynne and Simon's Canoe Thank you to all those who participated. Your creativity and imagination was incredible. QTN is a great place to live!

You’re invited: Snow building contest!

The QTN Community Association is excited to announce a community-wide Snow Building contest, starting today.  With more snow in the forecast this weekend, what better time is there to plan a snow project! See our poster for more details:

Family Day in QTN

Looking for fun activities over the long weekend?  The QTN Community Association is offering some options both indoor and outdoor.  Check out our posters below for more details! Search & Find in QTN Find 24 images and enjoy a walk in the Frank Ryan Park & Elmhurst Park forests. Baking & Cooking Together at Home … Continue reading Family Day in QTN