* UPDATE * DATE CHANGE due to weather - ALL EVENTS on June 11th! All-day rain is forecasted for Sunday, so we’re moving ALL Sunday activities (Bike Parade, Picnic in the Park, Cuppa Soup Band, Cookie Giveaway) to TOMORROW, Saturday 11 June! The Giveaway Event, Recycling Depot, and Forest Discovery Walk are still on for … Continue reading UPDATE: QTN Green Weekend – All activities on June 11 due to weather
Tag: Frank Ryan Park
New Bulletin Board in Frank Ryan Park
Wonder what is happening in QTN? Want to let others know about community activities? QTN now has a Community Bulletin Board in Frank Ryan Park (located between the playground and garden beds). Check it out when you walk through the Park! You can also use it to let other residents know about community activities. Create … Continue reading New Bulletin Board in Frank Ryan Park
Ecology Ottawa QTN Tree Giveaway (April 30)
Ecology Ottawa, in partnership with the Queensway Terrace North Community Association, will be co-hosting a tree giveaway event in our neighborhood. Come to Frank Ryan Park on April 30th starting at 9:30 am until 11:00 for a free tree. We hope to see you there whether it's for a tree, to help with our Spring Cleanup … Continue reading Ecology Ottawa QTN Tree Giveaway (April 30)