The QTN Community Association proposes changes in the draft new Official Plan for Ottawa. They focus on ensuring strong neighborhoods as the population grows. How plans for intensification are done will make a big difference for QTN. The submission, prepared by the QTN Planning Committee, also addresses issues related to planning for future life between … Continue reading QTN and the New Official Plan
Tag: Lincoln Fields
New Official Plan will change QTN
The draft New Official Plan (OP) for the City of Ottawa will have major impacts for the future of QTN. It is not bedtime reading. It is not easy to understand the impacts of the high-level, big ideas about population growth that make headlines. For those who love QTN, however, now is the time to … Continue reading New Official Plan will change QTN
QTNca Annual General Meeting (October 21 @ 7:00 PM)
It's been a challenging year in QTN with major developments on three sides of our community. We're inviting you to join us and hear how we are navigating these opportunities among many other important priorities in QTN. Register below to attend our virtual AGM on Zoom. When: October 21st, 2020 at 7:00 PM until no later … Continue reading QTNca Annual General Meeting (October 21 @ 7:00 PM)