The draft New Official Plan (OP) for the City of Ottawa will have major impacts for the future of QTN. It is not bedtime reading. It is not easy to understand the impacts of the high-level, big ideas about population growth that make headlines. For those who love QTN, however, now is the time to … Continue reading New Official Plan will change QTN
Tag: LRT
Queensview Drive and QTN: Plans for the Future
Change will be coming to Queensview Drive in the next few years. That can be good for QTN or it could create problems. The QTN planning committee is engaged in ongoing discussions to help ensure that the concerns and views of residents are considered. We welcome questions, suggestions, and active participation by all residents in … Continue reading Queensview Drive and QTN: Plans for the Future
Queensview Drive and QTN: Good Neighbors?
Change is coming on Queensview Drive. It is both an opportunity and concern for residents of Queensway Terrace North (QTN). The QTN Planning Committee is taking early action to influence City plans for this area, instead of waiting to react to proposals by outside developers. City plans for Queensview Drive will become public in the … Continue reading Queensview Drive and QTN: Good Neighbors?