Call for volunteers: Neighbourhood Canopy Regeneration Project

QTNca is looking for volunteers to participate in the Community Associations for Environmental Sustainability (CAFES) Neighbourhood Canopy Regeneration Project. The purpose of this project is to contribute to the regeneration of the urban canopy by building capacity of community associations, and engaging with residents, landowners and existing city tree programs. It will be implemented in … Continue reading Call for volunteers: Neighbourhood Canopy Regeneration Project

Parks, QTN, Intensification, and the Parks and Recreation Master Plan

A draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan has been developed to accompany the new Official Plan. It updates city-wide goals for parkland and recreational facilities as Ottawa grows, but it falls short in dealing with intensification, the central issue facing Ottawa and QTN. As an example, the current standard of one recreational complex for every … Continue reading Parks, QTN, Intensification, and the Parks and Recreation Master Plan