Ecology Ottawa, in partnership with the Queensway Terrace North Community Association, will be co-hosting a tree giveaway event in our neighborhood. Come to Frank Ryan Park on April 30th starting at 9:30 am until 11:00 for a free tree. We hope to see you there whether it's for a tree, to help with our Spring Cleanup … Continue reading Ecology Ottawa QTN Tree Giveaway (April 30)
Tag: Volunteer
Save the date: Winter Carnival
The annual QTN Winter Carnival is back! Mark Sunday, February 6th from 1:00 to 4:00 PM in your calendars and join us for some outdoor fun in the park (restrictions permitting). We all need something to look forward to!
Volunteers Needed: Frank Ryan Park Outdoor Rink
Frank Ryan Park's community rink can only operate with a cozy warm fieldhouse with the support of generous volunteers. Please sign up HERE to help keep the field house open for our friendly neighbourhood skaters! What does the role entail? Not too much, all you need to do is show up with a cell phone … Continue reading Volunteers Needed: Frank Ryan Park Outdoor Rink